In December of 2011, our Global Mission IT team was asked to worked at the Seminario Nazareno Teologico del Cono Sur and the ConoSur Field Office.  

Purpose: The ConoSur Field office was moving to a new building adjacent to the Seminary.  We decided to take on two projects at once and work at the Seminary and Field office.  At the Field office, we set up the wired (Ethernet) and wireless network and installed a firewall.  The seminary needed their firewall rebuilt and some wifi installed.

Team Members: Raffi Mermerian, Dale Clift, Freddy Williams, Adam Newton, Ray Gould, Joshua Williams and Ireneo Poroma.

Highlights:  This team worked very hard in very hot weather.

Work and Witness construction teams had run wires in the seminary, but didn’t label them.  Dale Clift took on the monumental task of finding each wire and connecting them to the patch panel and switches.

Hours were spent in blazing hot attics running wires and hanging access points.

Good friends and great food!

As every team who visits Argentina does, we ate steak at several great Parillas.

And then it was nap time.